Welcome to the Hospital

Summer 2015

The 60th anniversary of Scope and Scalpel had us listening to a recording of the original production, PMS IV. In his essay chronicling the effort, Charles R. Wilson Jr. (MD ’55) describes some of the people behind the scenes who made it happen, from Samuel B. Aronson II (MD ’55), the producer who helped birth the idea of the student follies, to Samuel E. Tisherman (MD ’55), the photographer and supplier of “free bagels and spontaneous renditions of ‘My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean.’” Included in the student-penned script was the list featured below of imagined rules for med students from a hospital that shall remain nameless.


Welcome to [the] hospital, boys. I’m Miss Macy. I have a few announcements to make, issued at the request of the hospital administration.

(1) Medical students must use the garbage collection entrance to this hospital. At no time may they use any other entrance.

(2) Only two students are permitted to frequent the coffee shop at any one given time. After your purchases, leave the shop immediately. Do not stand in the hall to devour your purchases. You know, it distracts from the beauty of our hospital.

(3) After the lectures, too many students congregate by the fountain near the housekeepers’ room. This must stop. The noise disturbs the girls who sort the laundry.

(4) Please cut down on your fountain water consumption.

(5) Under no circumstances may the students use the stairs or the elevators. They are to use the outside fire escapes.

(6) Students must park their cars at least 10 blocks from this hospital. Any cars parked near this hospital will be tagged or towed away. Thank you.

—PMS IV, Scope and Scalpel 1955